A New Blog . . . . A New Year (OK, it's February!)

I had a thought about starting up a new blog at the beginning of the year . . . . . forgot about it, dismissed the idea, then remembered I'd thought about it in the first place!  So here I am six weeks later :)

I really want to start this blog purely from a craft point of view.  Yes, I live in a beautiful part of the world (Outer Hebrides of Scotland) and I may occasionally post a pretty photo of this lovely place once in a while, but mostly it's all about the crafts :)

I miss writing about textile crafts, sharing new (to me!) techniques which I'm currently learning, sharing some of my knowledge and experience about whatever I happen to be making.  Yes, I have an Etsy Shop which you can see in the sidebar.  Sometimes I manage to put some items in there . . . sometimes I don't!

I hope you may enjoy reading my crafty posts . . . . and if you're not really interested in textile crafts made in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland by a Hebridean (born and bred), then you probably wouldn't be here anyway! :)

BTW - it's not my cat (or quilt!) in my header photo - just a Blogger template.  But she's so like my cat and how I'd like by blog to be represented I've left it for the time being!

Alison :)


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