Spring is in the air . . . . . ?
Well, maybe not quite yet! My 'daffies' in the garden have yet to make an appearance :) I love wild flowers . . . . and crochet! One of my favourite crochet books to dip in and out of is '100 flowers to knit and crochet' by Lesley Stanfield. I tend to dip in and out of it just whenever I feel like a simple project - usually when I should be doing something far more urgent but never mind . . . . ! This morning I just felt like a little bit of relaxing knitting but nothing too major so I leafed through this book and decided to try the sprigs of lavender pattern . . . It turned out quite cute I thought if a little larger than it should have done maybe. I used 4 ply yarn and 2.25 mm needles. I've placed it on a violet tweed phone sleeve just to see how it would look. Spectacles to the left required for almost all of my crafting these days! Of course they would kook quite effective as a little bunch/sprig but given that one took me ...